Friday, September 16, 2011

DVR Cards

DVR Cards can be installed in a computer to turn the computer into a digital video recorder. DVR cards come with all types of options and can be expandable to 32 channels. GeoVision is the most well known manufacturer of DVR Cards. GeoVision has a very good reputation and is on the forefront of developing new DVR cards. DVR cards perform just as well if not better then most stand alone digital video recorders. If you need a DVR card think about many channels you need and the options you may need. You can find a good selection of DVR Cards at Security Cameras and More.

Wireless Home Security Cameras

Recently, I have noticed a new wave of wireless security cameras. These are what they call DIGITAL wireless cameras. With the old 2.4Ghz analog wireless technology there was this problem with interference. The device that you were using on the 2.4Ghz frequency could possibly interfere with other devices on the same frequency. And the roster of devices that use this frequency is not trivial. You potentially have phones, routers, microwave ovens, hearing aids, and other common household items using this same splice of radio waves. So when you plug in your security camera, your elderly next neighbor would lose his hearing.
With DIGITAL wireless, the problem is gone. Don't try to figure out how it happens. There are very smart (and nerdy) people who know how this all works. So just start looking for DIGITAL wireless cameras and forget about interference.
Wireless Home Security Cameras

Scary Journey Blog

Start blogging for crying out loud. If you think you have something to tell the world, start a blog a speak your mind! I have had several people within the past few days come up to me and say, I want to start a blog but don't how. So I referred them to Here is a link to one of the blogs I was recently asked about.